How to keep your firefly healthy and happy for a day in a Jar.How big is your firefly? Draw a life size sketch.What other creatures can glow in the dark?.Save our fireflies! Why are fire fly populations around the world diminishing?.Places for recording notes and sticking photographs.ğirefly life cycle sequencing activities (in color and black and white).How long can glowworm threads reach? (Measuring challenge).ğirefly and glowworm true or false (plus answers).ğirefly life cycle sequencing worksheets (in color and back + white) 44 page ‘Ready, set, glow!’ mini booklet ~ page topics include:.Please check out the preview for a closer look at the resources in this pack! Included are: It’s packed full of interactive learning experiences and fun follow up activities. This 40+ page ‘fun and facts’ booklet is designed to shine the spotlight on these amazing insects…. Ready, set, glow! Celebrate the best of warm summer evenings by deepening your understanding of the iconic firefly and their fellow glowing cousins - the humble glowworm!