If you see something listed at a really cheap price, be sure to do your research. Most of the time, these items listed are by brand-new sellers. If you're not sure how much an item should cost, check what other sellers are charging. Perhaps the item is damaged, or the seller has no intention of delivering it. If an item is significantly cheaper than it should be, there's usually a reason for this. By going off the platform, Mercari won't be able to help you if something goes wrong.

Any seller who attempts to take a conversation off the platform should therefore not be trusted.Īfter all, Mercari will only release payment to sellers after you confirm receipt. The purpose of these advertisements is to convince people to send payment outside of the app and then keep the cash. Some products advertised on Mercari aren't actually for sale. Here are a few other ways to protect yourself on Mercari. Regardless of who you buy from, it's still important to be on the lookout for scams.